How Do You Get The Answers to Life’s Most Perplexing Questions?

What’s that Vibe? Have you ever walked into an establishment and despite it looking all stylish and clean, you felt the vibe was a bit off so much so, you walked out again? Have you ever met someone at a party and without any reason to support your judgments, you felt you couldn’t trust them…

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Your 2018 Numerology Predictions

In numerology, it is believed that all numbers carry their own unique vibration which in turn, influences our lives in very particular ways. The year 2017 was ruled by the (masculine) number One (2+0+1+7 = 10 – 1+0 = 1). The One energy, therefore served up a year of fresh starts, new beginnings and intense activity as we went about…

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The Return of The Divine Feminine and A Call For An Inner Uprising

divine feminine

This is the second instalment of a two-part series on my journey to the creation of the Inner Uprising movement and the Inner Uprising  program of healing. A program to help all men and women embrace the divine feminine power within and not only transform their own lives, but positively impact the world at large. I spoke in part 1 about the role…

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