The ‘Inner Uprising®’ Ascension Programs

'Lifting The Veil'
An Inner Uprising® Ascension Course:
8 Week On-Line Course To Reclaim Your Personal Power
'Lifting The Veil' is a very gentle personally guided 1-on-1 (8-week) journey of healing with me to release the wounds of your past, transform your limiting and fear-based beliefs, heal your relationships, overcome self-sabotage, balance your polarities, strengthen your personal boundaries, release anxiety and bring your inner Feminine and inner Masculine into alignment for a whole new future. This healing journey offers you tools for life and puts you on a path of self-discovery, renewal and essentially, lays the foundation for a rebirth of the True You.
This healing journey opens you up to basic 'spiritual practice' for self-care.
*** This program is currently full. Please email me if you'd like to be wait-listed for further programs.

'Embracing Your Light'
An Inner Uprising® Ascension Course:
8 Week On-Line Course To Align To Your Higher Purpose
'Embracing Your Light' is a life-changing 1-on-1 (8-week) program specifically designed to take you through a dramatic shift in all aspects of your life. It is designed to lead you out of the spiritual closet, line you up with your spiritually-based purpose and allow you to bring your unique Soul-gifts and talents out into the world. This Journey aids you in courageously stepping into your true power and honouring what you have come here to do and to be. It will offer you tools, knowledge and daily practices for continued expansion.
This journey opens you up to working intensively with energy, your Higher Self, High Level Guides, Ascended Masters & Archangels, as well as other Spiritual Realms and to a 'deep level spiritual practice'.
*** This program is currently full. Please email me if you'd like to be wait-listed for further programs.