Are you ready to ‘Expand Your Light’?

'Expanding Your Light'
(Professional Training)
"Expanding Your Light" is a journey of professional development and practitioner certification in a variety of energetic healing modalities and spiritual coaching.
The Courses:
I offer training in 'The Serenity Vibration Healing & Enlightenment Technique®'; a powerful modality that offers a total healing experience, working on all 4 aspects of the Self: Physical, Emotional, Mental and Spiritual; as well as, coaching training to become a Certified Soul Coach of the 'Soul Coaching® Program'; a transformational coaching program created by renowned Hay House Author and Spiritual Teacher, Denise Linn.
Are you feeling called to expand your light?
If you are feeling drawn to learn a powerful new healing modality that opens you up to the ability to offer people a total healing experience, or a transformative spiritual coaching technique that works directly with the Soul, reach out to me for a chat and we can talk about your career aspirations and which courses are right for you?